Receiving an old age pension in United States

Under the friendship and shipping convention signed between Israel and the United States of America (not a social security convention), a Israeli resident who began receiving an old age pension in Israel and left for the USA is entitled to the continued payment of the old-age pension, even if he is already not an Israeli resident.

Please note: the pension will only be  paid to those who were Israeli residents before moving to the USA.

Pension to a housewife

A woman who received an old age pension as a housewife and left for the United States is eligible for the pension in the United States for three months only. Upon her return to Israel, her pension will be renewed.
Please note that a woman who received an old age pension since she was exempted from the specified qualifying period may continue to receive the pension in the United States. The continuation of the pension's payment will be examined in the National Insurance Institute branch.

How to receive the pension?

The applicant should write to the Old Age Department of a NII branch and request to receive his or her pension in the USA, providing both personal information ­ – home address in clear Latin letters, and bank account details - on which they wish to receive the pension (bank account may also be located overseas). Besides coming directly to the branch, you can also contact us through the internet site or by fax.

Providing a life certificate to the National Insurance Institute

Those who stay in the United States and receive an old age pension from the National Insurance Institute are required to provide, once a year, a life certificate to the NII in Israel, signed by the Consulate/an acknowledge notary/local authority or the by the social security Institute in USA.

Changing a place of residence

If a person changes their place of residence from the United States to a country with which Israel has no convention, his or her entitlement to the old age pension will be re-examined according to the rules described in this webs